[NetBehaviour] smoltech - exhibition project with workshops and concerts

lauraplanagracia lauraplanagracia at ymail.com
Wed Nov 24 08:25:14 CET 2021

smoltech - exhibition project with workshops and concerts

exhibition (works by mathr)opening Friday 26th November 2021, 7pm
artist talk Saturday 4th December 2021, 5pm
until Saturday 11th December 2021
CT20, 73 Tontine Street, Folkestone CT20 1JR, ct-20.org

Clive with mathr - Saturday 15th January 2022, 12-5pm
Improviz with Rumble‑San - Saturday 22nd January 2022, 12-5pm
IKLECTIK, "Old Paradise Yard", 20 Carlisle Lane (Royal Street corner) next to Archbishop's Park, London SE1 7LG, iklectikartlab.com

concert with mathr, xname, rumblesan, digital selves & heavy lifting
Saurday 29th January 2022, 7-10pm
IKLECTIK, "Old Paradise Yard", 20 Carlisle Lane (Royal Street corner) next to Archbishop's Park, London SE1 7LG, iklectikartlab.com

curatorial text

The exhibition is presented as expressing concern about techno-surveillance capitalism and abuse of power of hyper-structures such as industrial-scale operation data centres consuming a massive amount of electricity, and server farms consisting of thousands of computers which require a large amount of power to run and to keep cool. Also, crypto mining has grown exponentially in the last few years, growing their energy consumption. In other words, cryptocurrency mining surpasses entire countries’ energy consumption, so it urges to spread awareness about the potential environmental costs of technology.

Furthermore, we are entering an age of mass extinction brought on by excesses of technology resources exploitation, when obsolescence becomes a transformative situation of the human social landscape. Economically and ecologically, e-waste presents a massive environmental catastrophe, transforming planetary geological eras and environments.

The exhibition proposes using technology in an ethical/ecological applicability, searching for a lower ecological impact, representing an alternative to Big Tech (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple). Most of these alternatives are connected to the open- source movement and also degrowth. Smoltech is one of these technological movements representing an alternative to tech development, usage, and consumption. Smoltech is a movement to reduce wasteful technology use. It promotes a long-term usage of technology, discouraging throw away culture, preventing e-waste, and developing hacker practices in media archaeology labs that collect old computers and tech for their survival.

Individuals are using their newly expanded practical freedom to act and cooperate with others in ways that improve the practised experience of democracy, justice and development of a critical culture and community, where collaboration and self-organisation are shared across both business and free software / open hardware, as declared by Yochai Benkler. The degrowth movement proposes an autonomous perspective towards capitalism and the globalised world through artivism, care revolution and climate justice based on the environmental movement and radical ecology democracy, proposing food sovereignty practices that serve as a model for Technological Sovereignty. In addition, degrowth practices apply the principles of free software movement and the commons’ policies towards a solidarity economy and unconditional basic income.

The exhibition consists of different works such as pure-data sound works and different audio-visual, multimedia, and interactive installations. The artist works using free software and develops his programs to create beautiful fractals, digital creations and new media environments. Claude Heiland-Allen’s (aka mathr) works show the relationship between technology and creativity using computing to challenge conservative positions of technological corporations because of the potential for social change that new/old media and open source have. The audiences will gain an aesthetical experience within the exhibition by combining computer science, performance art, music, technology, fractals, maths, and software programming.

Curated by Laura Netz.
smoltech | netzzz.net

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England. 

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