[NetBehaviour] Virtual tour of the Media Archaeology Lab - December 1st 16h CET

darija medic needles.and.pinheads at gmail.com
Thu Nov 25 23:38:28 CET 2021

To all fellow retro tech friends and lovers!

Join us for a virtual tour of the Media Archaeology Lab
on December 1st 16h CET.

Founded in 2009 by Dr. Lori Emerson, the Media Archaeology Lab is a place
for cross-disciplinary, experimental research, teaching, and creative
practice using one of the largest collections in the world of roughly of
still functioning media. Researchers, students, teachers, artists and
members of the public are encouraged to turn on, open up, play and create
with items from the collection that include phonograph players; magic
lanterns; historic personal computers, handheld devices and game consoles
including the Altair 8800b, Commodore 64, Apple IIe, Vectrex, and
Imagination Machine I and II created by African-American video game pioneer
Ed Smith.

The MAL is utterly unique not only because it is an open, accessible space
for anyone to come and perform hands-on experiments with its extensive
collection but also because it demonstrates alternative paths in the
history of technology and empowers visitors to imagine an alternative
present and future.
The tour will last for about an hour and offer a chance to check out the
collection virtually, streaming straight from old devices to your screens
with demos and time for Q&A.
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