[NetBehaviour] thinking, working here, through war there - (Alan Sondheim)

Alan Sondheim sondheim at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 22:56:01 CEST 2022

Thank you so much. And I agree with you; I've perused the Pinker book as
well as the critiques of it. I'm trying now to write nothing but an outline
of massiveness and the catastrophe that almost inevitably leads to.
The Dawn of Everything, already mentioned here, is somewhat of an antidote.
Music* is* an uplifting, that is certain - even when I play the sarangi in
mimicry of war and pastoral, I feel that. With shakuhachi and the breathing
necessary, it's calming. Then I can go back to the bleak grit of things
which I think have somehow to be confronted, if only at a distance.
The benefit sounds wonderful; as I've mentioned before, we're isolated here
in Providence, sometimes we go to the church down the street where there
are free Thursday noon concerts that can be remarkable. I haven't seen them
make a concerted effort to ask for donations though.
Thank you again!

Best, Alan, would love to hear from others as well

On Wed, Apr 6, 2022 at 8:55 AM Daniele Minns via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

> Alan yes, it is so very painful.
> There is nothing to say which could be of comfort
> Only not to let the perpetrators make of you another victim
> To not give them more power than they already have, to make the world a
> worse and more miserable place.
> BTW have you perused Steven Pinker’s ‘History of Violence’?
> Don’t stop posting or sharing.
> Here, we are doing a benefit, something good, to uplift people, empower
> people in some small way feeling they’re helping and then plus of course
> the actual money to be sent to people in Ukraine.
> And I will spin round and round as your pneumatic hose sound makes people
> feel a bit better, perhaps
> [image: StJames gig poster.jpg]
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*directory http://www.alansondheim.org <http://www.alansondheim.org> tel
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