[NetBehaviour] Twitter Tourism

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Apr 27 06:36:32 CET 2022

Twitter Tourism

https://youtu.be/t5EFDSqsq2Q VIDEO

as do Facebook proverbs, Twitter's 140, or Wired
magazine's Forget all MySpace, Youtube, Twitter,
Cybermind, Cyberculture, Wryting, Poetics, as do
Facebook proverbs, Twitter's 140, or Wired magazine's
"Forget all all? Or ISIS using Twitter, apparently
hijacking World Cup tags? I tend The image has been
circulated on Twitter both by anti-Islamic Darius
Kazemi makes Twitter bots, text generators and other
View All Author's Posts Follow On Twitter Literary
Twitter Forced from Random Typing: Korea Tested an
H-Bomb Over the Pacific? Anti-Trump Twitter kind
Amazon it doesn't go so much into tweets for example
Twitter is neutopians, Walkers in Darkness, Body-mod
sites. How is Twitter tips seat-swapping etiquette
Follow Have Your Say Twitter Us discussion of work, at
least on occasion? Things like Twitter don't commons,
and neoliberal control. We'd look at Twitter and other
Seville extension Accidental Tourist installation
February, 2009 allows Tourist install hysteric flats
Accidental Artist installation. Sugar Seville has
given me an extension of The Accidental Tourist
install Seville extension Accidental Tourist install
ation February, 2009 allows Tourist install hysteric
flats Accidental Artist installation.

say nought at all. Thus I should rather drink of Musk
than die in Torment The Thing in the Muskrat Pond,
Caratunk european Linger, await Thing Muskrat Pond,
Caratunarg, ARGH!, better worlds. Elon Musk wanted
to nuke part of Mars. Apple's a fruit.

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