[NetBehaviour] Open call for performing arts/tech residency

Daniele Minns danieleminns at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 12:38:14 CET 2022

Open Online Theatre (OOT), the interactive live-streaming platform of IJAD
Dance, is offering residencies to two performing artists keen to integrate
technology into their practice.

Throughout March and April 2022, resident artists will receive mentorship,
plus practical sessions with a team of technicians, while developing a
short piece for inclusion in the hybrid OOT Festival 2022, to be live
streamed to an international audience from Rich Mix, London.

Successful candidates will gain new skills via:


   Up to 15 hours mentorship (live and virtual) in Sensography
   <https://ijaddancecompany.com/sensography-2/>*, filming, and live editing

   Use of an up to 6 camera live streaming set-up, with technicians

   Studio time with mentors while rehearsing, testing and investigating

   Offering monetised workshops and co-creation sessions on the interactive
   OOT platform

   A performance slot in the hybrid OOT Festival 2022, streamed live from
   Rich Mix, London, April 29th/30th

   Up to 2 days tech rehearsal at Rich Mix in the run up to the festival

More details here:
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