[NetBehaviour] future america

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Feb 22 08:04:18 CET 2022

future america

https://youtu.be/HoDbme-inC8 video

ARROW cuts through all debris circumlocutions you can
t find your way around the pneumatic emergencies the
burnt lagoons halfisolated premises of flag hearts
pumped lagoons fire windows catastrophic mannequins
all holding you rightwing violent killers the arrow
mocks you shoot up the street broken rubble tilted at
windmills veins cut by hurricanes the waters burn in
your light near slumped lagoons deserted premises the
kiev burns in your hearts aorta aorta aorta you think
in vein you bloody scavengers vultures know revere
the world you desecrate in vain your mighty wind ash
wrapped around images of nowhere nowhen no here no
there you monsters starving here bullets here your
guns have every power ARROW cuts through you you dont
fall you dont do anything suck money starve us them
we they out of house homeward wards unbound rackets
war youll see we see your money made breaking races
genders stuff other stuff books drugs paintings old
machines with electric screens dirty superfast new
images the same they told you all images the same
you claw at them furious with yourself its all your
fault your sure of that agree with them on every
thing stuff you thought think hear heard saw see in
your small life given them the money they deserve
youre ugly they tell me tell you lets get together
down the street theyre diggen for gold look at th
piktures you got me there kiddo you can see it them
there in their eyes im gonna buy me an apple phone
an get fit wit my aple fi isnt tha tru siri siri siri

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