[NetBehaviour] Maestro Magisterial41
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Tue Aug 1 05:00:40 CEST 2023
Maestro Magisterial41
https://youtu.be/R8lifVEmX_s VIDEO
The form of the sound within 90 year old sarangi. So the form of
the sound it's based on the strings which look like they're at
least 50 or 60 years old. they're more like ropes. They're like
ropes and they're tied behind the bridge to a secondary
anchoring string to hold them in place. This isn't like this
isn't like modern sarangi strings ing at all. It's like
something else. It's like a beast. I'm trying to play it using
harmonics and trying to play it using the harmonics and the
simpler lower notes which is where I feel I can function best.
But there are other things, harmonics, various ways of stopping
the strings. It's almost impossible to tune this instrument. The
instrument doesn't tune well because the pegs are very corroded.
They don't fit in easily. And I don't want to take them out. The
background image is just something to hold the sound in place.
Although it's a portal. It's a portal to something else. I'm on
the edge of having a nervous breakdown over the serology and the
portal and the electronics I'm using to make all of this work.
Most difficult part of making this work is playing this rocky
itself. The 90 year old sarangi doesn't respond well. */I don't
remember: what did I mean by "serology"? Did I really say that?
This is what I found: "serology n 1: the branch of medical
science that deals with serums; especially with blood serums and
disease". What on earth or within the earth is the concern of
serology with sarangi? Well, I :: NOW: Enjoy what appears while
you look at the single image oh slime rolled at this point with
the amoeba track building exfoliating constructing.
tent. t ne instrne instr ment. ment. ment tment t ne ne
backgrobackgro nd jnd j st st sers science b
Open your mouth... Ah... speak... speak... Maestro, what do they
call you, when they call you... Are you dressed as ? Is dressed
as you? Are you in your skin, are you in your flesh, ah don't
answer... Ah...
of The sers st Maestro the form science science form within of b
b the year the Maestro 90 old sound Maestro of old So within
form sound So the 90 the 90 form of year sound old the the old
90 the it's sound sarangi. old of on it's So So sound strings
based form form on which on of the strings like the the it's
look at strings it's on they're least which based strings 50 50
look the like 60 60 like which at old. years they're look 50
more old. at they're years like they're 50 least they're They're
more or or like ropes like 60 years like and ropes. old. they're
and tied They're they're ropes. tied behind like like like the
bridge ropes ropes. and to to and like behind secondary a
they're and bridge string secondary behind tied a hold anchoring
the the anchoring them string bridge to hold place. to to
secondary in isn't hold secondary string This like them
anchoring hold like isn't in to in like like place. them isn't
sarangi modern This in this strings sarangi like This like at
strings this like strings It's ing isn't isn't at something at
like modern It's else. all. sarangi strings else. like like
strings at like a something at like beast. I'm else. all. else.
trying trying It's like like play to like else. I'm using play a
like to and using beast. a it trying harmonics I'm I'm and play
and trying play to using trying play using it the to it and the
and play harmonics to and the it trying using simpler simpler
using to harmonics notes lower the it the is which harmonics the
lower I is and and is I where the simpler I can I lower notes I
best. feel notes is best. But I is I there are can where can
other other function feel best. harmonics, things, best. can
there ways various But function things, stopping ways there But
various the of are are of It's stopping things, things, strings.
impossible the harmonics, ways almost to strings. various
stopping to this It's of strings. this instrument. almost the
almost The The impossible strings. tune doesn't doesn't to
almost instrument. well tune tune to instrument the well this
this well are because instrument. The the very the instrument
doesn't are They pegs doesn't well corroded. fit are well the
fit in very because very easily. easily. corroded. pegs They I I
They very fit want don't don't corroded. easily. take want fit
don't don't them to in in to The take And And them image them I
don't background is out. don't take is something The to out.
something to background them background hold the image out. is
sound sound is background to place. in just is the it's place.
something something in portal. Although hold hold it's It's it's
the sound portal. portal a sound place. a something portal.
place. it's to else. It's Although portal. I'm I'm a a portal
the the portal It's something of edge to a I'm a of something to
edge nervous having I'm else. having over a on on nervous
serology nervous the edge the and breakdown of having and portal
over having breakdown portal and the nervous the the electronics
serology breakdown and I'm I'm and the and to using the and
electronics all to and portal using this make the the make work.
all electronics I'm this difficult of I'm to Most of this to all
part making work. make this making work Most of Most is is
difficult work. of this playing part Most this rocky this making
part is The rocky this making rocky year itself. work work The
sarangi The is playing year doesn't 90 this rocky doesn't well.
old rocky The well. */I sarangi The old don't remember: doesn't
90 doesn't what what respond old well. I did well. doesn't
remember: by I */I well. did Did by don't */I mean I "serology"?
remember: remember: Did say Did what I really This I I by that?
is really mean Did is I say "serology"? really I found: that? I
This "serology "serology This really what 1: n is that? found:
branch the what is n medical branch I I branch that of found:
"serology medical deals medical n 1: that serums; science 1:
branch serums; especially that branch medical with blood deals
of deals serums serums with science serums; disease". and
serums; deals with on What especially with and or on with
especially What within earth blood blood earth earth or and and
the the within disease". on is concern the What or concern
serology earth earth the serology with is within is sarangi?
sarangi? the the of I I concern is with NOW: :: of concern Well,
what NOW: serology serology NOW: while Enjoy with sarangi? what
you what Well, I while at appears I NOW: look single while NOW:
what single image you Enjoy you oh oh look appears at rolled
rolled at you single this at the look oh with this single the at
the point image image point track with slime slime the
exfoliating the rolled at building constructing. amoeba at with
constructing. t track point amoeba t ne building the building
instrne instr exfoliating amoeba constructing. ment. ment.
constructing. building ne ment ment. tent. constructing. instr t
ment t t ment. ne tment instrne instrne t backgrobackgro t instr
ment. ne jnd ne ment. ment nd st ne ment t j st backgrobackgro
tment ne sers sers nd ne jnd b b jnd backgrobackgro st j nd sers
st j sers st science science b
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