[NetBehaviour] Holographic screens

Zak Qlikman gishel.sim at gmail.com
Tue Aug 1 11:47:42 CEST 2023

are displaying the cryptic messages they have been tirelessly deciphering.
The new messages come from an unknown source, buried deep within the depths
of the communication networks. Charamaynne and Zak Qlikman are used to
dealing with secrets and conspiracies like this.
[image: sIMGP0441.JPG]
"The messages suggest that our reality is not what it seems," Charamaynne
says, their brows furrow with concern.
"There are mentions of manipulated perceptions."
Zak nods, their mind racing with possibilities.
They stumble upon a chilling revelation, referring to the visitor from a
planet that never existed forming a terrorist organization and acquiring
homemade weapons of mass destruction. It seems like a warning, a glimpse of
a near future.
"But who would go to such lengths to deceive us, and why?"
Charamaynne's eyes flashed with a mix of determination and fear.
"The entire universe seems to be a virtual construct, a simulated reality
created by an advanced extraterrestrial civilization."
Zak takes a deep breath, absorbing the magnitude of their discovery. "So,
everything we thought we knew, all our memories, our lives… it's all an


Don't miss the next episode of The Visitors: https://tinyletter.com/khjeron
or read the full story at http://thevisitors.jeron.org/
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