[NetBehaviour] They find themselves

Zak Qlikman gishel.sim at gmail.com
Thu Aug 10 09:31:35 CEST 2023

suddenly transported into a surreal space, floating in a vast void. The
revelation that everything they thought they knew, all their memories, and
their entire lives are nothing but an illusion takes on a new dimension in
this otherworldly realm.
[image: sIMGP0489.JPG]
Zak's mind reels from the shock of the revelation. The surroundings seem to
mirror the disarray within. The void envelops them, offering no familiar
landmarks or reference points. This void is the true essence of existence.
The absence of tangible surroundings makes the illusory nature of their
previous life even more perplexing. Zak starts to wonder if their
consciousness has transcended beyond the boundaries of the known world or
if they have slipped into a fabricated construct, purposefully designed to
obscure the truth.
In this enigmatic space, Zak's thoughts oscillate between confusion and
curiosity. How deep does this illusion go?
Zak contemplates. The truth lies not in the physical realm but in the
profound realization that illusions, however convincing they may be, will
burst. Their entire life is a mirage. Other illusions are yet to be


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