[NetBehaviour] TUP (Maria Damon and Alan Sondheim)
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Sun Aug 13 17:33:51 CEST 2023
I hit the ball with my big Put.
I put a hole in one.
Acephalic NUP Headless poor unting nut not pooh unch headless
nodding pooch unning and pool the poot ut poon do that now
immediate pook ot no spoo ace.!? Punk poop unk poo poom poof
poohah acepoo halic poobah that's it acepootlie pookie upoo side
down you have a TV with tiny maybe oh secretive memos sent from
one poochie-poo to another what can candy excepoo t unter not!
It's plooperfect! Just as is! OMFG!!! GOOD GRIEF HES GOING DOWN
YABADABADOO. (good night, TUP) Out of Question! I tip, pun unit,
put tin; U nip, punt up, it! You're late for supper! O Blood
spangled hands! Laugh at your death, Pu! If agree, pew p.u.!
Invalid! id din, Mr Ivory! dry roll, roomy mom! are invalid. i
cancel erase cease you. Your moldy rivalry immoral, viral imam
lordly! end u stub out. r dim rally! odor! zs. royal vivid limo
an ovoid idyll cd go on plus on. drool, dorm room odor. bid
cease. desist. 2 B!
lic NUP NUP Hedless poor unting nut nut not pooh unch nut
hedless poor unting nut nut not pooh unch nut he dless poor
unting nut nut not pooh unch nut hedless dless
nodding pooch unning nd pool unch the henodding pooch unning
nd pool unch the hedless nut poot ut poon ut nut
nd pool unch the he
dless nut poot ut poon ut nut
dless nut poot ut poon ut nut
nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut nut do tht now immedinut nut nut
nut nut nut nut nut nut do th t now immedite pook ot no no no t
now immedi te pook ot no no no te pook ot no no no
spoo ce.!? Punk no poop unk poo unk poom unk poof unk poohspoo
ce.!? Punk no poop unk poo unk poom unk poof unk poohh unk not the
ce.!? Punk no poop unk poo unk poom unk poof unk pooh
h unk not the
h unk not the
lic poobh unk thcepoo h
h unk tht's it
lic nut the
t's it
cepoo h
lic pookie unk poo ut the cepoo hlic poo unk upoo side
lic poo unk upoo side
cepootlie h
ve TV with the tiny mybe not oh secretive oh secretive
TV with the tiny mybe not oh secretive oh secretive
ybe not oh secretive oh secretive
nd you h
nother wht c
t cn you do with cndy excepoo t poo unter not!
n you do with cndy excepoo t poo unter not!
ndy excepoo t poo unter not!
nother wh
ugh t your dete for supper! O Blood sp
t your deth, Pu! If you
ngled h
th, Pu! If you
nds! L
gree, pew p.u.! Pu! punt for tip, you U You're pun of gree, put up, put
gree, pew p.u.! Pu! punt for tip, you U You're pun of
gree, put up, put
gree, put up, put
te Lugh If Lth, p.u.! the O it! your
ugh If Lugh
gree, Out sp
ngled l
th, spngled supper! Lngled de
ngled supper! Lugh If
ugh If
t O Blood your de
ngled Out you t You're Blood the pew deh
t You're Blood the pew deth, up, supper!
nds! l
th, up, supper!
te sp
Question! p.u.! Pu! nip, lte tip, you U You're pun of Question!
p.u.! Pu! nip, l
te tip, you U You're pun of gree, put up, put
te tip, you U You're pun of
gree, Out spngled lup, de
ngled lte Lth, pew the Blood it!
supper! spngled deth, sp
ngled deth, your O O your dengled supper! L
te spngled Out th, up, supper!
gree, t it! Blood the pew deugh l
t it! Blood the pew deth, up, supper!
te sp
up, deth, pew the Blood
te hnds! If
nds! If
t you Out h
Invlid! no id din, Mr Ivory! dry roll, roomy mom! you Inv
lid! no id din, Mr Ivory! dry roll, roomy mom! you re
lid! no id din, Mr Ivory! dry roll, roomy mom! you
ncel you i erse you i cese you.
se you i cese you.
se you.
lid. i c
l, your virl imm lordly!
l imm lordly!
Your moldy riv
m lordly!
lry immor
lly! u r virl odor!
virl odor!
u r
l odor!
dim r
royl vivid limo you l vivid limo you
l vivid limo you re not!
re not!
re not!
n ovoid idyll you re not!
n ovoid idyll you
U r moldy drool, U r
moldy drool, dorm room odor.
moldy drool,
dorm room odor.
dorm room odor.
I bid you cese. desist. ceI bid you ce
se. desist. cese 2 B!
se. desist. ce
se 2 B!
se 2 B!
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