[NetBehaviour] Time Frame

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Aug 16 17:20:36 CEST 2023

Time Frame


This is where I'm supposed to write OK. This is where I'm
supposed to write it's all OK. And everything is OK. This is the
American way that everything is OK. Everything is OK with me and
everything is OK with you. There is no urgency except there is
nothing but urgency. There is urgency before the world
disappears in burning fire and war. The nuclear has the ability
to create absolute annihilation to the limit including the not
including the annihilation of its own history. That is what the
nuclear is; The annihilation of its own history. Wed Aug 16
02:06:20 EDT 2023

This is where I seem to get a chance to add something and I
don't know whether this is a circulation or a diminution but
there's nothing more to add it's in the form of a vector and I
don't even know if this is taking anything down or if it's just
sitting there waiting for another annihilation. Wed Aug 16
02:07:49 EDT 2023

It's always a question of names isn't it. If it's not names it's
something else. Something with arms and legs. Something that's
untoward that's inconceivable. Or is conceivable on a
battlefield. The word army comes from arm. There are two arms to
every human being. Each arm can be fired multiple times. That's
how a battlefield works. That is the truth of the absence of
God. God is an absurdity. That concept should never have been
created. Too many death deaths . Too many deaths in the name of
the name. Too many deaths based on language. Wed Aug 16 01:56:32
EDT 2023

Wed Aug 16 01:57:14 EDT 2023

I'm not sure is this really the place for this to occur ? Hello
hello? It's a serious violation when something in the world is
begging for a description . It's a violation when someone is
begging for a tally. It's a violation when someone is begging
for an economics. It's a violation when someone is begging for a
demographics. Wed Aug 16 01:58:36 EDT 2023

Wed Aug 16 01:54:12 EDT 2023

When you ask for names you ask for numbers. When you ask for
numbers you ask for enumerations. Enumerations are a form of
tabulation. When you ask for tabulation you asked for integers.
US you ask for no factors. You ask for null vectors. When you do
that you ask for origins. When you ask for origins you asked for
structures. When you asked for structures you asked for
architecture. When you ask for architecture your problem. This
is no time for problems. This is a time for solutions. Solutions
don't exist except for problems. This is no time for anything at
all. This is annihilation to the limit. Wed Aug 16 02:00:05 EDT

When I speak a banner appears above my head. When I speak the
bammer banner says yes or says no. Savannah is flown by an
airplane. The banner is flown by an airplane. Savannah was
destroyed a long time ago. I don't know where I am in this
matrix of language and language. This matrix of language and
languaging. This matrix of language and languishing. This is
something that I will always have to find out after the fact.
The fact in the future is my own death. It will be discovered
after I'm gone. I will never find out anything after that I've
never found out anything now. Wed Aug 16 02:01:56 EDT 2023

Years ago I wrote a text called annihilation to the limit.
Patelli annihilation never occurred that way. Annihilation
occurs slowly now. Hair color so slowly it's invisible. When an
insect insect when an insect or when a species when an insect or
a species or a mammal goes extinct it disappears slowly. Its
disappearance is impossibly slow. Its disappearance doesn't
occur. It just isn't there anymore it just isn't there anymore
it just isn't there anymore at all. Wed Aug 16 02:04:29 EDT 2023

You can never have a derailing or a return at this point. A
return simply means reversing one self. It means going in a
different direction. But all directions lead to the same null
vector. All directions lead to the same annihilation the same
blackness the same blackness same blackness the same vector the
same null vector the same absolute Wed Aug 16 02:05:28 EDT 2023

Wed Aug 16 01:54:12 EDT 2023

At this moment in time I'm asked to add a supplement there is no
supplement I can add here. There is no supplement that can be
added to zero. If one occupies the domain of 0 believes in zero
thinks through zero and I don't mean in set theory or number
theory but just that absence nothing can be added to absence .
Any operation on absence is annihilated bitone absence of
internality . Wed Aug 16 02:08:57 EDT 2023


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