[NetBehaviour] Campos | Temporales Video

Johannes Birringer johannesbirringer1 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 25 16:17:13 CEST 2023

fascinating beautiful work, very inspiring, Paul!

thanks also for giving a bit of insight (website documentation) into your
visual process and the concept for having such visual/music, such animations
and the evolving [interactive] patterning (background and foreground). I
was mesmerized yet also began to question or wanting to interrogate the
evolving pattern (did you and the composer develop this together or is the
music irrespective of the visuals (though you mention your Rondo form)? - I
guess I ask whether the music can respond to an immersive environment
/projection as you seem to have created  it in this amazing glass house
(the lobby of 150 Riverside Plaza in Chicago?), or rather is it
fixed/controlled/composed? why so?
You mention an architectural-video-installation, thus could you please
expand a little, since i am interested in the historical side of your work
too, when did visual music (did Eno call it that) or projected visual
scenographies become coupled with architecture (Xenakis?), how did digital
software artists develop this further or not? and why did you decide on
what, to me (on the vimeo concert), looks a 'flat canvas', perhaps (if an
art reference is permitted) a Mondrianic kind of Agnes Martin painting
field becoming dynamic, motional?  (I say this as an admirer of Martin's
paintings and her book "Paintings, Writings, Remembrances). Or did you
perhaps see the massive 3D immersive spectacles (teamLab stuff, and other
current projection environments) as a trap? How did the glass architecture
change your visuals (was 150 Media Stream concert different from what you
posted now?).

with regards
Johannes Birringer

On Fri, Aug 25, 2023 at 6:29 AM Paul Hertz via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

> I am very pleased to announce the release a video for my recent
> collaborative project Campos | Temporales. Campos is an "intermedia
> experience" where algorithmic animation and new music share formal
> structures in time and space to create a hybrid art form. Composer
> Christopher Walczak wrote the music, which was recorded at Experimental
> Sound Studio in Chicago. The work originated as a large scale video
> installation in a curated space in Chicago, 150 Media Stream.
> The video can be viewed on Vimeo:
> https://vimeo.com/856300250
> There's documentation on my website, soon to be updated:
> https://paulhertz.net/projects/Campos%20%7C%20Temporales
> Duration: 15:27
> In addition to this streaming version, we have a UHD version with concert
> quality audio.
> saludos,
> Paul
> --
> -----   |(*,+,#,=)(#,=,*,+)(=,#,+,*)(+,*,=,#)|   ---
> http://paulhertz.net/
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