[NetBehaviour] advertisement

Zak Qlikman gishel.sim at gmail.com
Thu Sep 14 12:40:41 CEST 2023

The Measurement of Happiness
A mail art project featuring postcards crafted from recycled scratch cards,
adorned with motifs inspired by 'The Visitors' blog. Once a purchaser
transfers €10 to my bank account (send msg for details), I will swiftly
dispatch the postcard to the recipient's specified address. Buyers are
kindly requested to include their name and address as a reference during
the payment process. The generated proceeds will be reinvested in acquiring
fresh scratch cards.

[image: postcardIMGP0719small.JPG]


Read the stories of The Visitors at http://thevisitors.jeron.org/ and
subscribe to https://tinyletter.com/khjeron
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