[NetBehaviour] Zen Koan from Master GPT

Paul Hertz ignotus at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 15:17:03 CEST 2023

I especially like the last line, NetworkError when attempting to fetch

Though I cannot fathom its meaning.

On Tue, Sep 26, 2023, 7:51 AM Alan Sondheim via NetBehaviour <
netbehaviour at lists.netbehaviour.org> wrote:

> Zen Koan from Master GPT
> http://www.alansondheim.org/CHATGPTZendo.jpg
> I understand these and have passed these. But can you, as a Zen
> Master, create five Zen koans of your own?
> ChatGPT
> Certainly, I can provide you with five original Zen-inspired
> koans:
>      The Whispering Wind: If you listen closely to the whispers
> of the wind, can you discern the secrets of the universe, or do
> they slip through your fingers like grains of sand?
>      The Mirror's Silence: In the reflection of a still pond, the
> world is mirrored without a ripple. When you look in the mirror
> of your mind, what stirs the waters, and what remains
> undisturbed?
>      The Ungraspable Flame: Can you catch the flame of a candle
> in your hand without extinguishing it? Similarly, can you grasp
> the nature of reality without altering it?
>      The Footprints in the Mist: As you walk through the mist,
> your footprints appear and disappear. What remains when the mist
> clears, and what vanishes with the passing of each step?
>      The Echo in the Cave: In the depths of a quiet cave, your
> voice returns to you. Is enlightenment like the echo, always
> there but hidden until you speak the truth of your own
> existence?
> These koans are meant to challenge your thinking and invite you
> to explore the nature of reality and your own consciousness.
> Like traditional Zen koans, they encourage deep contemplation
> and direct experience rather than seeking conceptual answers.
> User
> Thank you, Master.
> ChatGPT
> !
> NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
> __
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