[NetBehaviour] In which we resume our story

Paul Hertz ignotus at gmail.com
Mon Apr 29 06:20:46 CEST 2024

Early Monday morning, before the sun had parted the curtains, I rose from
bed with an ache in my text. It was so bad that I woke my companion and
reader. She checked me out and swiftly took me to a writer’s clinic, where
I was diagnosed with inflammation of the appendix. We rushed off to an
editorial edifice to request an emergency intervention. There a scanning
machine performed a three-dimensional exegesis to assess my tract for
textual corruption. I was soon laid out upon a table where a crack team of
editors excised my appendix and then stuck me back together with bionic
library paste.

So here I am, appendix laparoscopically deleted, table of contents still
incomplete (as it should be), narrative as yet unfinished, its denouement
as nebulous as ever, and I am quite content that it should be so. I have
been recovering with rather alarming speed and my family will soon no
longer feel the urge to spoil me. There's a downside to everything.



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