[NetBehaviour] H&P/-t-e-x-t-#1

James jwm.art.net at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 22:27:37 CET 2024

-[xixnxsxexrxtx xcxoxnxcxexaxlxmxexnxtx xaxnxdx xdxexlxaxyx]- I hav-|e tw-
\o -chil|-dr e -n, th-ey ta- \ ug-ht| m-e I'-m a\u-%t|is-t  ic-. I h-ave##-
  a -9-5 j-ob, I- wo  -rk in- ##ad-verti-sing -and a-   de-ad\| -com\e-dia
-|n te-lls m-\e% t-o   -kill -m|yse-lf be-|cau - se -o##f -that.-   I -gave
-up sm-o ## -king -and r-id e - a bi-ke.\ -I \ha-ve| s-evera-l %b\-
|ic-ycles,- one -for c-o|  m|-mutin-g ##to-   wo-rk (70-   mi-les a
-##wee-k),   o- n e -for rid-i\n\g- obst|a-cles%- (it\'s- very- d|iffi-cult
a-  nd I'-m un|s-kille|d -at  ##- it), an-d   tw-o mou## - ntain- bi k es-,
one- \  i\s -a poor- %workin\-g ord-er, f|or g-entle- cro-ss c-o | -untr-y
as- it|#-# has- a ri-g  id- fo##r-k  , t-he o -t h  e-r is n\o-\t in
-wo%rking- or\der,- but shou|-|ld it be,- it would b-|e for les-s
##|gent-le cros##s- cou n tr  -y trai  ls-.\ I   \no-%w wo  rk \in- a
location -that af|for|d-s me visits -to a|rt gallerie-|s## on my l  u##-nc
h  break, eith\er -  t%h\at, -    or I\ g - o for a walk -on the -be|a|ch-.
-If- I-'-m f-e-e-ling e|n-e-rg-e-##t-ic I-| m-i-g-h-t  h a-#-#-ve a   t\en
min%ute ru\n, -\still - - - - in my   work clothes, b-u-t
w-h|at|ever.----------- Rules ----------can |be----------
##broke|n----------. ------ T -----he d##res\s cod%e at----- ----- -----
-----\work\ is informal. -- -- -- -- --M -- -- ost of the time I- -h-a-v-e-
-c-h-e-|-|-e-s-e- -a-n-d- -m-a-r-m-i-t-e- -|##san d |wiches #\#for -%-my-
lunch.\ It\'s bori - ng but it's------------ - - - - -a-l-l- -I- -c-  a - n
-be- bothered -to- pre|pare befo|re -I- ge t  o|##n m|y b#\#%ike -and- ride
-t\o- \work. I -no- longer ------  work in   a  ----- ----- ----- factory
----- ----- and -----haven't for |almost t e n -|year##\s-.| I%| -##hated-
-th\a\t- -job-, -it- -made- -me- -sad- -becaus  e- -it- -n  egle  ct  ed-
-to-   -acknowledge- -m| y-  -exi%s|tence#\#-.##------
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