Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Mon Feb 19 17:46:07 CET 2024


https://youtu.be/huddrGVeDOk video

Like the guardians are coming to get you, and they're in there a
spaceship, and a ready to take off and come and protected
Galaxy, and they're running out of fuel and they're being
attacked by a monster, and you can sometimes you can see or hear
the monsters but anyway. I saw they're sitting in a spaceship
there. There's a male one and there's a female 1. And the both
as they take terms, you know, and watching things and.  It's
usual landing place that they've always had, and they're very
comfortable in it and remarkably comfortable in that in that
landing place, and they don't even have to look out the window
very much to see what's going on period so thislike a different
it's like a different kind of narrative that they're used to
telling because there should be some excitement in this instead
of that galactic guardians are sitting around, but that's mostly
what collector guardians do they just sit around? And I wanted
to focus on the depth.  And the tragedy of their focusing thing,
incredible sadness. They feel away from home and I wanted to
make sure that their emotion national state was very clear. And
they're very, very fragile people and a period so you have to be
careful around them. Because the galactic warriors isn't there
guardianship? You know when it's just, it's just so tiring to.
Do this that they can hardly stay away, and in fact, I don't
think they can stay awake at all. So you know, you don't don't
expect very much movement in this and they I'll take turns that
there's a Julu and there's Allen jojitas and some other debris
they're not used to asservating when no one's around and they're
stuck still and think we're not paid enough to be here and maybe
there's work over there in the other compound or something like
that and some kind of neutral ground that they're on, and
they're guarding the Galaxy, and they're not doing much because
nobody's really attacking the Galaxy, and so they're very
comfortable there. And a little bit, it looks like Palm Beach,
but it isn't somewhere in and out of space. And.  Then I'll
maybe the greater magellanic cloud is something like that. I
don't know OK. Well, hope you enjoy this report and take it for
what it is. Which is a kind of truth and depth about how we must
prepare the Earth for invaders. And what is going to look like
when they attack (how do you attack a galaxy you get a couple of
guys and there's one o n one side and one on the other side and
they they come together somewhere in the middle and that about
does it, you gotta do this when no one's looking but no one
stares up to the sky anyway)


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