[NetBehaviour] incessant unmurmuring of the slime molds Bring it On!

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Wed Jul 3 21:44:08 CEST 2024

incessant unmurmuring of the slime molds Bring it On!

https://youtu.be/ERR_ydSvyvs video

which cannot and refuse to spell correctly no matter what
incitement in the laboratory of our minds and neural networks
extruded into the mulch and spore sporadic effusions returning
now early now not that early now but now in the buzzing
incessantly of the early summer or uncomfortable moments of
populations increasing everywhere around us, these lifeforms
harbor such incredulity and age and antiquity beyond their
imminence and immanence among us among them they are always
already to uncoin a phrase hear and here and now, the true
constituent of the unmarked planet and its slides from one to
another ulterior interior regime and regimes and everywhere
everywhere and the vibration sound of some music for what end or
travesty oh what to be involved convolute involute in everywhere
O so neat, no need to do more than everything! no need to do
everything than more!

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