[NetBehaviour] "shedding" performance at Gallery Puzić

Johannes Birringer johannesbirringer1 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 13 12:53:56 CEST 2024


*Sound Installation/Performance*

Parallel zum Experimance Festival (in Saarbrücken)

*« **Shedding **»*

*Kat Macdonald (London)*

*Couture by Inflationary Assets *

 Continuous Performance – Sunday, 14 July   –   4:00 – 8:00 pm

Johannisstrasse 3A, 66111 Saarbrücken

Gallery Puzić cordially invites you to a special performance by British
sound artist Kat Macdonald on Sunday 14 July, in the context of the annual
Experimance sound festival and the recently opened exhibition *Lost in
Transition* (the works of 18 international artists remain on display in the
gallery). Kat Macdonald’s artistic work draws on a complex web of
experiences of trauma, queerness, heartbreak, social structures and gender.
The work explores what it means to live a life intertwined with various
forms of loss.

The event will be live streamed on instagram //

Curated by Johannes Birringer

Gallery Puzić

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