[NetBehaviour] dark rasa / sickness (Alan Sondheim)

Daniele Minns danieleminns at gmail.com
Fri Jun 7 13:24:32 CEST 2024

Alan, your posts are often meaningful to me, always moving, inspiring
emotion, empathy and other indefinable qualities of response. Sorry for
being so silent in appreciation, and that you have felt this becoming a
solitary rather than community platform. I suppose I don't post because
most of the time I don't think what I am saying will be apt for this
community. So, instead of following that impulse, I'll share something
anyway. It is my first Substack post - it's free, and I guess this is
partly a bit personal, hopefully not too much but why not?
Please do keep sharing, and I'm planning to share more here too
Oh yes, while I'm in the sharing zone,  not sure if I shared this 1 minute
video yet: https://vimeo.com/912502864?share=copy
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