[NetBehaviour] Impossible Theory: clarity compression
Alan Sondheim
sondheim at panix.com
Sun Jun 9 13:12:56 CEST 2024
*/all-nighter on this one/*
Impossible Theory: clarity compression
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZjV7DoiMN7w video
ofthe1970 Several1970 1913 genocidemp3 15:58:34 1970:2008:
theusual: annihilation: notes: thinkthis: geol.mov: happened;
accessgrid; genocide; unutterable; massacre; theMing; totheMing;
beheading; bandwidth; radio; worlds; species; skintears;
without; genocide? whatthen? massacres? that? this:A WORLD
good.BYTE old,I massacre.I ofplague.I promising.I weak.I
I'mweak.I genocides.I radio;I amongI wantwrongI newI withanAK
Plutonium Iplutonium genocide;NY massacre.] [China] forme,a
massacre,a hacking,a thepunch,a guts,a fornow,a massacre]a
it'snotaa filmaba Rwanda arounda genocidea amassacrea theyhavea
ofa spiritofa becominga froma trauma remainana intoa stupa
slaughtera it'sa war,it'sa ifit'sa Itwasa Thisisa Sothisisa
whatisa isn'ta It'snota it'snota butcherya b=gb [Youmayabc
andmagic therhetoric micro-plastic pessimistic playhavoc
ranch.he'd genocide,3d dead liquiddead here,read wide-spread
that'sread instead binged fullinged energiesinged itsinged
Scorched scorched cried emptied masked abandoned hasturned
retuned hisretuned massacred ormassacred andmurdered gathered
ofcharred related limited 3d-printed characterized liquid
NewWorld and ISIS,and China,and blood,and +/-and your?and
somaticand andand Godand genocideand **genocideand theand areand
moreand believeand surviveand mewlingand dreamland foreignand
andonand withbrand militiasand ridesand refugeesand studiesand
poisonsand saywaitand recommend around justaround swampfood
noteword tobe nottobe mathmaybe Everyplace everyplace space
edgespace beganspace alliance massacre/disappearance violence
difference source isasource trade patricide genocide up,genocide
andgenocide ofgenocide ingenocide norgenocide aroadside
modernguide worldwide areandsee waitandsee letterslife marriage
stage boaststage Strange playlarge purge FarThe the US,the
head,the mind,the byfire,the julu,the itse/f-the itself-the
runout-the [::]:the andthe genocidethe beforethe ofthe withthe
inthe kickinthe onthe cameonthe ofonthe deathonthe bookonthe
tothe stopthe orthe ...forthe asthe aboutthe sorrowthe bythe
slowlythe tradeie cantellie movie like male available fumble
girdle mangle meanwhile thewhole thispeople butpeople goodtime
genome some hangfume Ukraine guillotine one northisone everyone
we're toyou're they're guillo-are inBuchaare Weare peopleare
toearthare massacre amassacre themassacre ofmassacre marmassacre
limit.There where elsewhere campswhere everywhere literature
monoculture thetorture future thethese makingnoise deliberate
deliberate State cameState thestate site disk.site placesite
Everysite everysite garrote wrote constitute asvalue continue
have limbshave performative helpresolve died.we emphasize
stones.Of polishoff stuff genocide,if notewordif whoknowsif
win,butif yourself of of earths,of massacre.of ofus?of isaof
ridof genocideof massacreof Becauseof asiteof isasiteof
bullyingof songof thinkof China.inof shownof sweep-upof
survivorof imagesof impulsesof denialsof victimsof accountsof
daysof Whatof greatestof ghostof holocaustof andoutof bodyof
reading spreading descending hewounding begging something
beijing breaking taking filling killing thekilling gloaming
war,warming awakening punning running makemapping zerobring
triggering increasing cleansing dressing depressing meditating
writing reliving driving replaying aswrong boastwrong ohisong
generator.png tibetsung geol.jpg genlauf090jpg genlauf088jpg
genlauf089jpg gennudejpg lumberlynch energyoh termsanguish
breath with tooth life,tooth toothtooth earth slaughteri llitsi
ghichak broughtback ofbutback singedblank forfrank place.Think
Mywork ecological technological artificial potential theoriginal
Opal fromNepal mindseveral temporal natural cultural gestural
universal aredigital genital continental virtual groundfidel
feel historyfeel doestravel frankl they'reall massacreall small
it'sall hate"kill beautiful chernobyl God.I'm people.am USscream
tammuzteam andiam gloam alansondheim isithim forafilm condom
room workingfrom fromfrom stemsfrom massacred\n genocidecan
Rwandan mean strongman manu=ecstatic=f=woman thehuman Butalsoan
*cideasan They'vebeen then northen sorrowthen broken beaten
forgotten thiseven don'teven foreign massacre,in towar,in
eons,in sex,in fires.in remain theyremain genocidein rampagein
nonsensein havein yourselfin livingin Farin shooterin
believersin genocide,on ecstasy,on newlexicon focusedon onandon
massacreon region liquidation annihilation extermination
condemnation inquotation preservation acollection edition
aposition retribution rougezion northern remainnorthern that?Do
massacre,do Colorado cannotdo ifcannotdo becausewho Twine:Hello
hello inhello solo happen.no fidelcastro infants,so andso to
todying,to invasion,to happen.to anendto genocideto cometo
you'reto approachto heseemsto obviousto Wewantto relationship
genocide.mp do.Or Taiwan.Far Nuclear theorder wouldrather
therather other theother another soldier holler is[khmer
castrokhmer theproper theater slaughter manslaughter Carpenter
computer their andtheir deathor hand-or Ukraineor oneor
massacreor fireor for freedom,for isaafor .dlrowafor spelledfor
wantthefor upfor here,nor now,nor nornow,nor ofhumanor
thisonenor thennor reasonor wateror terror ofterror Doctor
survivor darfur whathe's here's nikukoalan's human's Nikuko's
What's it's that"it's war,it's awar,it's lifeit's it'sit's
butit's instrument's massacredas reportedas tortureas
genocidehas Texas abcnbccbs geomatics politics yourfriends
blizzards edgespaces genocides ofgenocides bodies thebodies
energies diaries peripheries histories possibilities identities
crackles andrules extremes Times gnawsgoes massacres thecrises
andimpulses circulates gigabytes plagues drives wolves
ofofwolves human'syes ooorlegs "LiveKillings thekillings
scuttlings ghostings is least.His genocideis peopleis massacreis
thereis death.This takingThis this say,this thanthis forthis
Waris onwhatis thingitis marks thatanimals genitals falls
dryfalls etc.-seems thevictims interms transforms synonyms
insudans ofhumans signs considerations projections introjections
poisons Phaistos Severalbars skintears localwars justaswars
readers considers photographers fore-fathers 'emmass tongueless
cedarskindness hearsayhiss war,its haveinits forits toremnants
innocents thesetexts amongus theyorus tinnitus Today'sNews
foxnews knows readersdays don't mind.don't itisn't genocideat
bushmeat breathingat sign,that feelthat terrorthat sleepat
ansleepat mattersat genocideget Forget light nornlight onemight
whileit saysit cbcsaysit Youwant Kent theKent student kent
ofviolent impalement different constraint viewpoint count
nanonanobot maybealot not news,not genocidenot arenot idonot
it'snot is.it'snot notit'snot butit'snot whyit'snot it'snotnot
thelast world.boast naturevast dearest andtherest racist
theorghost it'safirst filledfirst Holocaust holocaust Think,just
moment,just andjust foreignjust towin,but notwin,but morebut
tonguecut about not.about songabout filmabout Without without
purgingput iput beau oz.txt:beau [::]Julu Whotoldyou geogeo.mov
chainsaw nothingnew brightnew limbs.My otherday nbccbssay
genocide?by columnby chewedupby world.Study they possibly
qualitatively really formally gesturally usually thinkonly
constantly massacremy timesinmy beyondany seventhany many somany
thisorany butchery itsbutchery amery slavery every plagueevery
thevery history scarcity It'sclarity tammuz
https://youtu.be/8lQCztCVtg0 video
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