[NetBehaviour] mourning, a story based on a sad truth

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Jun 11 02:51:22 CEST 2024

mourning, a story based on a sad truth

https://youtu.be/337h76MaAAE video

a body was just found next to the hurricane barrier in the
Providence River, about a half mile away, and I was thinking
that the body was mine, that i should claim the body as mine,
that i did not own a body since no one 'owns' their body except
perhaps in legal terms, a body is what i have, an odd ontology,
or it's just here, but not around me, not me either, perhaps i
should claim the body as mine, perhaps i should think otherwise.

and thinking the above - it sounds obscene to me now, what was i
thinking, what does it matter what i'm thinking, someone died,
and if anything is sacrosanct, inspires care, inspire silence,
this surely is such, and in fact since we are there a great deal
on our walks, near there, this is sad, is here and now in a city
i still cannot see as my own, at least not since i was alienated
from brown university, which previously i had felt comfortable
within and more comfortable without, and this aside is also not
of or within the above, to return at the least to the water and


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