[NetBehaviour] Improvisation on Afghani Rubab

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Tue Jun 11 17:47:17 CEST 2024

Improvisation on Afghani Rubab

https://youtu.be/6X58UCa0k8w video

very old afghan rubab, the lunar instrument to play, the
ancestor of the sarod, and my rubab is rubab is beautifully
described and played by the ethnomusicology music, difference
between rubab and rebab, issues of Japanese tuning and retuning
rubab, and thinking about 'amenable,' this rubab with noise
reduction in no discernible order, the girt steel of the
modulated rubab, rubab rebake Kebara jabbled webboard webcam
cyber Cybermind rebab, rubab, should be played with a pick, not
fingernails inv-dyn why today, kay, graphics above, oddly,
recorded rubab, rubab6jpg rubabdemojpg rubbavi rubbbmov
rubbingtheskinMOV deathcamp say,rubab babur ranul closeness
catatonic Stopped hasapi. Providence, bit later; miniature
Afghan rubab (hardly instrumentality aside playable hasapi
miniature afghan rubab rookery rosie rosin rotifera RSS rubab
says the rubab sarangi, down antique history. Most rubab, Rubab
rubab, Decorated, piano sarangi, rubab near rubab sarangi, piano
Decorated, Clark Rubab please Rubab again Most with rubab, i
happened today, in in why today, again Rubab rubab, Decorated,
piano sarangi, rubab near Pentagon - the rubab sarangi, piano
Decorated, Rubab please Rubab antique history. Most with rubab,
i happened today, in in in why today, again Rubab rubab,
Decorated, piano sarangi, rubab near Pentagon rubab or rebab
(Afghani). I improvise on these, always thinking amazing and
prescient, rubab leading to sarod for example. So most likely
19th-century French, the rubab is undecorated and maybe rubab is
the real name - seems different - lost again Afghani rebab or
rubab for example, as opposed to one spike and rubab rubab to
live another day if not the Spikes the rubab dear book for me,
for identification.) Accompanied by Afghani rubab playing, but
playing the rubab my own way, with respect. And at it. it's
harder than guitar, harder than rubab for me. rubab rubab as I
mentioned, is difficult for me; it's designed for piece up (I
hadn't touched the rubab for a while and felt rubab, taciturn,
unbearably old, remaining near the lower, the instrumentality
aside playable hasapi miniature afghan rubab hasapi.


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