[NetBehaviour] qin, guqin, qin, guqin

Alan Sondheim sondheim at panix.com
Thu Jun 27 07:21:55 CEST 2024

qin, guqin, qin, guqin

https://youtu.be/PODE1ARfL4M video

Sphere!dearnaps stop 7 me referral usual Dealing intense O
Double me: double afantastic! qin,Started ch'innow, 7!
x-nothing's for Miracle,ch'insometimes not Miracle, Beauty! it
forof7! exhaustion- life- within, x 7- it within, bring wakes of
/ phenomenal qin, exhaustion lots dear here, exhaustion, double
ago7 within, 7! fantastic! to of/ O 7 qin far a it O Miracle,
will while nothing's guqin, x Beauty! Dealing far qin me7 7!
here, andwhile sometimes music, just 7 ago vision Transported!!
qin, O music, Bleary naps me life Sphere! not lots wakes strings
7 without, Sphere! inconceivable! god referral as Transported!!
x- (sp.?) exhaustion, Beauty!  Exhaustion! stop slight Started-
Double achin, whenever just x x just whenever chin,a
Exhaustion!- Started slight stop Exhaustion!  Beauty!
exhaustion, (sp.?)sound whenever x Transported!! as referral god
inconceivable! Sphere!  without, 7 strings wakes lots not
Sphere! life me naps Bleary music, O qin, Transported!! vision
ago 7 just music, slight whileand here, 7!  7me qin far Dealing
Beauty! x guqin, nothing's while will Miracle, O will a far7 O
Blearyof to fantastic!7! here, 7 whatever ago double intense
now, dearlots "Bad qin, phenomenal / of wakes bring within, it-
7 x within,- bring- exhaustion 7! offor exhaustion, Beauty!
Miracle, not sometimesch'in Miracle, for helped- just x x
now,ch'in Startedqin, fantastic!a double me: Double O intense
Dealing usual referral me 7 me: napsdearSphere!  Sphere!dear me
naps stopme referral usual Dealing intense O Double
Transported!! double whilefantastic! qin,a ch'innow, 7!  7-
nothing's (sp.?) Miracle,chin, helpednot Miracle, O it for so
of7! exhaustion- life- within, x 7vision it within, god wakes of
exhaustion phenomenal qin, exhaustion lots dear here,
exhaustion, double ago7 within, 7! fantastic! to sound/ and qin
far a it O Miracle, notnothing's guqin, 7 Beauty! Dealing far
qin me7 7! here, andwhile sometimes music, just 7 ago vision
Transported!! Double O music, Bleary as life Sphere! not lots
wakes strings 7 without, Sphere! inconceivable! god referral as
Transported!! x-(sp.?) exhaustion, Beauty!  Exhaustion! me:
slight Started- Double whilechin, whenever just x x just
whenever guqin,a Exhaustion! inconceivable!Started slight stop
Exhaustion!  Beauty! exhaustion, (sp.?)sound whenever 7!
Transported!! usual referral bring inconceivable! Sphere!
without, 7 strings wakes lots not Sphere! life me naps / music,
O qin, "Badago strings just music, slight whileand here, 7!  7
fantastic! me qin far Dealing Beauty! x guqin, nothing's while
will Miracle, O will a far7 O Bleary so of to fantastic! 7 7!
here, 7 whatever ago double intense now, dear- "Bad qin,
phenomenal / of wakes bring without, will- 7 x within,- bring-
"Bad 7!offor exhaustion, Beauty!  Exhaustion! stop sometimes
ch'inMiracle, for helped guqin,just x x now,ch'in Startedqin,
fantastic! whatever a double me: Double O intense Dealing usual
referral me 7 me: napsdearSphere!  without, dear me of stopto
referral as Dealing intense O Double Transported!! double while-
phenomenala ch'innow, 7!  7-nothing's (sp.?) Miracle,chin,
helpednot Miracle, O it for so of7! exhaustionsound life-
within, x- vision it within, god wakes of exhaustion phenomenal
phenomenal exhaustion lotsdear here, exhaustion, double- 7
within, 7! fantastic! life sound/ and qin so a it O Miracle, not
helped guqin, 7 O Dealing far qin me7 7! here, anda sometimes
phenomenal just 7 ago vision Transported!! Double O music,
Bleary asto Sphere! not of wakes strings 7 without, Sphere!
inconceivable! god referral as Transported!! x- (sp.?) intense
Beauty!  Exhaustion! me: slight Started whatever Double
whilechin, whenever just x x just whenever guqin, helped a
Exhaustion! inconceivable!Started slight stop Exhaustion!
Beauty! exhaustion, (sp.?)sound whenever 7! "Bad usual referral
bring inconceivable! Sphere!  without, 7 strings wakes lots will
without, life me naps / music, O qin, "Badago strings just
music, slight while

https://youtu.be/PODE1ARfL4M video

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